American Community Gardening Association
The American Community Gardening Association is a non-profit membership organization of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community greening in urban and rural communities. It holds an annual conference and provides online resources for establishing and running a community garden.
SeedMoney is a non-profit providing grants, crowdfunding opportunities and training to food garden projects across the country and around the world.
Life Lab provides educators across the country with programs, curriculum and activity guides to engage young people in gardens and on farms.
Growing Minds trains individuals to create farm to school gardens and to integrate gardening into state and national curriculum. It provides garden lesson plans, activity guides and grants to establish school gardens.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
The USDA provides numerous resources to develop community gardens, including a community gardening toolkit, a community garden start-up guide, a guide to selecting a location for a garden and planning a design and food safety tips for school gardens.
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